Of course I know.
How much you love me.

One time while we were talking you said that you didn't think you gave me that many affirmations. I explained that it comes out in all sorts of little ways that may not always be direct words. Maybe it's in the way that you listen to my shares, or in your mannerisms, or even just the tone of your voice as we talked.
But there were other examples I didn't bring up in the moment.
It's in the way that you light up when I run in the room to do a little dance. The acceptance that I feel, healing the parts of me that are afraid that acting that way isn't masculine enough to be loved.
It's in the way that you take a step back in our conflicts. In how you try to ask questions to see where I'm coming. In the effort you put in to engage despite your strongest feelings to run away.
It's in this memory I have. When you said that I try to take responsibility for finding solutions in conflicts, the same way I've played peacemaker in my parents' relationship. You said that I always try to be the voice of optimism in my own relationships. You said that this time you want to be able to support me back. The depth of understanding it takes for you to say these things, and the depth of love needed to choose to support me while we were having difficult conversation. I was so grateful to be loved by somebody so special, that they are able to love so deeply.
So of course I know that you love me. You really are special. Because you are capable of such deep love, that I am certain that you love me more than any partner has ever loved me, and I am sure that I love you more than I've ever loved anybody.
With love and awe,