Our references together.
And how grateful I am for you.
You know I love referencing and quoting TV shows. Usually you won't know
the reference, so you'll sit there while I explain the plotline to an
episode of Bob's Burgers that I haven't even watched myself, but one
time I saw a clip of it on youtube and it got stuck in my brain, and
mid-conversation I decided I want it in your brain too.
Well these past few days I've noticed something new. I still love
references, that hasn't changed. But now I feel like we're building a
common vocabulary of references as we experience life together, and
instead of references to TV shows or stories it's references to our
memories together. Little things like the salty chocolate skull in
Greece, or the girl that ran up to our table and hugged the cat sitting
with us in Turkey. More and more often my references aren't references
to niche shows anymore, but references to memories that only the two of
us have.
I want you to know that I'm grateful for these memories. My brain
latched onto those TV show references because so often those shows were
significant in some way to how I think and how I feel, and our memories
together occupy the same space in my life now. I'm grateful for you, and
I love you.
With all our memories,